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Provisioning for people at risk Covid-19 - Lausanne

Solidarity, mutual aid and generosity!
These words that have guided the action of For Equity since its creation resonate with even more force in these difficult times.
Staying at home, an act that has become necessary and supportive: in order not to get infected and not to infect, especially for people at risk. Unfortunately, these people do not always have relatives/neighbours/acquaintances who can go shopping or buy their medication for them.


This is why For Equity has started since the beginning of the semi-containment to act as a courier for isolated people at risk (65 years and older, people with disabilities, etc.).

The mutual aid is limited to the Lausanne region and several teams of two take turns to carry out our action. For our trips, we can count on the For Equity car previously dedicated to the Pegasus project, which allowed young people who had lost their jobs to come to the aid of the elderly or vulnerable people by making various home deliveries.


If you are at risk and need help with your shopping or to fetch your medication or if you know people in this situation, do not hesitate to contact our central office on 021 617 35 01.


Take care of yourself and your loved ones!

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Point d’eau, Lausanne

In this particular spring, in addition to supporting many vulnerable people in Lausanne and its region, For Equity was involved with the Point d'Eau, a place that usually allows homeless people to do their laundry. The homeless, high-risk people, found themselves in a situation of sanitary impasse.


For Equity therefore decided to undertake the transport of their laundry and belongings - corresponding to about 150 bags per week - from the Lausanne reception centers "L'Étape", "La Marmotte", "Le Répit", the "BAP" as well as the temporary reception center of the Bugnon Gymnasium to the Water Point.


This action has allowed to bring comfort and well-being to these people during the crisis, a period in which having a home has never been so important.

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